Statement and Concept
Artist Statement
I am drawn to the moments when people find themselves inexplicably attracted to something among countless options. What lies behind this attraction? Is it fate, or perhaps mere coincidence? My work is centered on the theme of "feeling love and happiness." Love brings happiness, while the absence of love can often lead to feelings of loneliness or emptiness. Is this simply a sensation, or is it something deeply embedded within the heart and body? Through my art, I hope to convey how essential it is to have love as a constant presence in our lives.
As a child, after my parents' divorce, I moved to a small house perched atop a mountain. Behind our home lay a forest where I often played alone, surrounded by nature. I would gather nuts, pick flowers, and chase wild rabbits. The only thing forbidden to me was mushrooms. My mother warned me that they were dangerous—something to be looked at but never touched. Mushrooms became an untouchable mystery, a presence both enchanting and forbidden.
Now, I embrace mushrooms as the central motif of my work. Their varied forms and textures possess a universal charm, and in nature, fungi play a vital role, sustaining the ecosystem around them. This unseen yet essential force mirrors love in our emotional lives—an invisible but vital energy that nourishes us. Just as life cannot thrive without fungi, our hearts cannot flourish without love.
The shape of mushrooms symbolizes life itself, embodying a raw vitality. By borrowing this shape, I aim to evoke something that resonates with our instincts. Every mushroom I create is infused with my love. If those who encounter my work feel a sense of happiness or joy, then I will feel that my wish has been fulfilled.
私は、人が数ある選択肢の中から、ある特定のものに強く惹かれる瞬間に心を奪われます。その惹かれる理由は何なのでしょうか?それは運命なのか、それとも単なる偶然なのでしょうか? 私の作品は、「愛と幸福を感じること」をテーマとしています。愛があれば幸福を感じ、愛が欠けると孤独や虚しさを覚えることもある。それはただの感覚なのか、それとも心と身体に深く刻まれたものなのか。私は作品を通して、愛が人生の中でどれほど大切な存在なのかを伝えたいと考えています。
Concept of artwork
Title: "GROWTH - The Ceramic Totem of Self-Formation"
The ceramic totem GROWTH embodies the unseen yet steady growth of love and happiness, much like mushrooms quietly flourishing in the depths of a forest. Each piece of the totem stands independently, inviting viewers to freely select and arrange them to create their own unique totem. This process can evolve over time—adding pieces gradually or composing it solely with the elements that resonate with the individual.
The vibrant colors and diverse designs of each piece reflect the richness of nature and the small yet profound moments of joy in our daily lives. Together, they form layers of vitality and happiness. GROWTH is a celebration of the diversity of love and the beauty of growth at every stage of life, illustrating how these elements intertwine to create a singular narrative.
This totem is more than an artwork—it is a monument to personal journeys, the relationships we build, and the memories we cherish. For each viewer, it becomes a reflection of their own evolving story, revealing both individuality and the harmony that connects us all.
「GROWTH - 形成される自己のセラミックトーテム」
このセラミックトーテム GROWTH は、森の奥深くで静かに育つキノコのように、目には見えないけれど確実に育まれる愛と幸せのプロセスを象徴しています。各ピースは独立しており、鑑賞者は自由に選び、組み合わせることで、自分だけのトーテムを作り上げることができます。このプロセスは、時間とともに発展させることも、一瞬の直感で選び抜くこともできます。
ピースごとの色彩や形は、自然の豊かさと日常の小さな喜びを映し出し、それらが積み重なって生命の力強さと幸福の層を形作ります。 GROWTH は、愛の多様性と成長の美しさを讃え、それらがどのように交わり、一つの物語を紡ぐのかを表現しています。
Title: Love Bomb Mushroom
This is no ordinary mushroom—it is a Love Bomb Mushroom, bursting with an infinite supply of love. Wherever it falls, conflict dissolves, replaced by an overwhelming sense of happiness and peace. Even the smallest disputes in daily life bloom into flowers of love and understanding under its power. Its energy never fades; once released, it saturates the surroundings with affection.
The concept behind this piece is simple: each of us carries a Love Bomb Mushroom within, ready to share love and cultivate happiness at any moment. Love enriches the human spirit and possesses the power to transform the world. Will you drop your Love Bomb Mushroom too? Let’s join forces to create a world brimming with love.
これはただのキノコではありません。それは、無尽蔵に溢れる愛を秘めた 愛情きのこ爆弾 です。このきのこが落ちる場所には、争いは生まれず、満ち足りた幸福と平和が広がります。日常のささいないざこざさえも、この爆弾の力によって、愛と理解の花へと変わっていきます。その力は決して尽きることなく、一度解き放たれると、周囲を愛で満たしていきます。
DANCING is a series that captures the vibrant rhythm of life—a dance that continues whether we are alone or with others. It encourages us to navigate the dance floor of life with light, rhythmic steps.
This collection embodies the joy of living as if life itself were a dance. We are connected, sometimes intertwined in complexity, yet always moving with fluid grace. Even in difficult times, we keep dancing, feeling the passage of time through our bodies, filled with hope.
Like mushrooms spreading freely across nature, we embrace life in its purest form. My hope is that those who encounter this series will be invigorated and find the courage to face their own journeys. DANCING is a call to embrace life as a dance—fearlessly, joyfully, and in harmony with the world around us.
DANCING は、生きることそのもののリズムと躍動を捉えた作品シリーズです。ひとりでいる時も、誰かと共にいる時も、人生というダンスフロアを軽やかに、リズミカルに歩むことの大切さを表現しています。
自然の中で自由に広がるキノコのように、人生をありのままに生きること。このシリーズを通じて、鑑賞者が活力を得て、自らの人生に向き合う勇気を感じてくれたらと願っています。DANCING は、私たちに「人生をダンスのように楽しむ」ためのインスピレーションを与える作品です。