Statement and Concept

 Artist Statement

I am drawn to the moments when people find themselves inexplicably attracted to something among countless options. What lies behind this attraction? Is it fate, or perhaps mere coincidence? My work is centered on the theme of "feeling love and happiness." Love brings happiness, while the absence of love can often lead to feelings of loneliness or emptiness. Is this simply a sensation, or is it something deeply embedded within the heart and body? Through my art, I hope to convey how essential it is to have love as a constant presence in our lives.

Using ceramics, I express this sentiment through mushrooms—a motif I hold close to my heart. Mushrooms, in their varied forms and textures, possess a universal charm. In nature, they play a crucial role as fungi, supporting the life around them. This unseen yet essential force resembles love in our emotional lives—an invisible but vital force that sustains us. Just as life cannot thrive without fungi, our hearts cannot flourish without love.

The shape of mushrooms symbolizes life itself, embodying a raw vitality. By borrowing this shape, I aim to evoke something that resonates with our instincts. Every mushroom I create is infused with my love. If those who encounter my work feel a sense of happiness or joy, then I will feel that my wish has been fulfilled.






 ▪️Concept of Artwork▪️

Title: "GROWTH - The Ceramic Totem of Self-Formation"

Concept: The ceramic totem "GROWTH" captures the process of love and happiness growing steadily, much like mushrooms quietly flourishing in the forest. Each piece of the totem is independent, allowing viewers to freely select and combine them to create their unique totem. This process can evolve over time, adding pieces gradually or composing it with only the elements that resonate with the individual. The vibrant designs of each piece reflect the richness of nature and the moments of joy in our daily lives, collectively forming layers of life and happiness. This artwork celebrates the diversity of love and the beauty of growth at every stage of life, illustrating how they come together to create a single narrative. This totem is a monument to the moments of joy we share and the individual growth we celebrate. For viewers, this piece can become a monument to their own lives. Each configuration reflects the relationship between oneself and others, showcasing both individual identity and collective harmony.







Title: Love Bomb Mushroom


The Love Bomb Mushroom - this is no ordinary mushroom. What it's packed with is an endless outpouring of love. Wherever the Love Bomb Mushroom drops, conflict doesn't arise; instead, the area is filled with a sense of complete happiness and peace. Even the minor squabbles that lurk in our daily lives bloom into flowers of love and understanding through the power of the Love Bomb Mushroom. Its strength never wanes, and once unleashed, it saturates the surroundings with affection.

This concept carries a message that each of us possesses a Love Bomb Mushroom, capable at any moment of sharing love and nurturing happiness. Love enriches the human spirit and has the power to transform the world. Will you drop your Love Bomb Mushroom too? Let's join forces to create a world brimming with love."Love Bomb Mushroom"

 愛情きのこ爆弾 ― それは、ただのきのこではありません。詰まっているのは、無尽蔵に溢れる愛。この愛情きのこが落ちる場所には、争いは生まれず、ただ満ち足りた幸せと平和が満ち溢れます。日々の生活に潜む小さないざこざも、愛情きのこ爆弾の力で、愛と理解の花が咲きます。このきのこの力は尽きることがなく、ひとたびその力を解き放つと、周囲を愛で満たすのです。このコンセプトは、私たち一人一人が愛情きのこ爆弾を持っており、どんな時でも、愛を分け与え、幸せを育むことができるというメッセージを込めています。愛は、人の心を豊かにし、世界を変える力があります。愛で満たされた世界を一緒に創り上げましょう。




DANCING is a series of works that capture the vivacious rhythm and dance of life. Whether we're alone or with others, it encourages us to navigate the dance floor of life with a light and rhythmic step. This collection embodies the joy of living life as if it were a dance, connected to others, sometimes complexly intertwined, yet always moving with a flowing grace. That is the worldview of DANCING .

Even through tough times, we continue to dance, feeling the passage of time through our bodies, filled with hope. We live life naturally, as mushrooms spread across the wilderness. It's our hope that those who witness this series will be invigorated and feel empowered to face their own destinies. DANCING aims to provide the courage and inspiration to dance through life's journey.

DANCINGは、生き生きとした人生のリズムと踊りを描いた作品シリーズです。一人でいる時も、誰かと共にいる時も、人生という名のダンスフロアを軽やかに、リズミカルにステップを踏むように生きることの喜びを表現しています。互いに繋がり合い、時には複雑に絡み合いながらも、常に流れるような曲線を描いて、自由で楽しい毎日を過ごす―それがDANCINGシリーズの世界観です。 辛い時も、体全体で時を感じ、願いを込めて踊り続けます。そして、まるで大自然の中で広がるきのこのように、人生を自然体で生きていく。このシリーズを見た人々が、元気をもらい、自分の運命に立ち向かう力を感じてくれたら、と願っています。DANCINGは、私たちに人生というダンスを踊る勇気とインスピレーションを与えてくれるのです。

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